Talking Books

Published July 10, 2013 by booksforbirds2013
Talking Books is a new feature that I’ve been working on, unfortunately I haven’t been blogging for the past few days, but I am back on track and ready!! Basically, for Talking Books, each week on Wednesday I’ll be talking about a particular topic/subject relating to or about books.

And this weeks topics is: BOOK COVERS

Now for many authors a book cover is quite an important element once you have your book. No matter how many times you’ve heard ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ you naturally will. Don’t try to deny it! When you are in a book-shop just browsing for a book its the cover that will catch your eye. So, its quite obvious that you want to have a decent cover to attract/draw people to your book.

From my point of view and experience it tends to be the simple covers that work best. Don’t get me wrong more complicated covers are good as well as long as it is well designed. A book cover doesn’t always have to link directly to the book, it could be linked to the title instead.

Another important element of a cover is color. Once you have the design its color  you have to think of next. Not everything needs to be glowing and flashy to catch someones eye. I also believe its best if book covers aren’t too graphic, that just honestly puts me of.

Lastly I think a book cover should have input from the author. After all they did write the book! But really if a writers happy with their book, but not their cover its a recipe for disaster. How can you expect your readers to like something that you yourself don’t?

Well, that is the end of Talking Books this week, make sure to tune in next Wednesday for more!
And don’t forget if you have any thoughts on today’s topic you’d like to share tweet me using the hash-tag #TalkingBooks.


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